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“Growers of Seedless Cucumbers ~ Energy From Wood-waste”

135 Holancin Road, King ON. L7B 0G6  -  905.775.2154

Recipes & Health Benefits

Cucumbers are an excellent food item for maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, and can be consumed in a wide variety of ways. The make-up of a cucumber is over 90 percent water, meaning that they are a great way to rehydrate your body at any time of the day. The peel of a cucumber is high in fiber, and the fruit contains a number of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Combining these points with the fact that they are low in calories, cucumbers can add value to a diet without adding extra bulk.

Cucumbers serve a lot of other purposes in relation to promoting health and well-being. The age-old practice of placing cool slices of the fruit over the eyes during facials and spa-treatments helps to rehydrate the skin and contract nearby blood vessels reducing puffiness. These benefits can be spread to the whole face and other parts of the skin through the use of facial purees and lotions with cucumber as an ingredient.

Cucumbers splashing into water

Cucumber Water

Fill a pitcher with water, slice/dice up some cucumber and dump into the water and stir. The amount you add will depend on your personal preference, but generally speaking, half of a medium-sized cucumber will do. You can add other items like mint leaves and lemon or lime slices to spritz your water up even more, or just enjoy it as is.